Algorithm for solving Case studies in feeding.pdf

Algorithm for solving Case studies in feeding

Feeding of infants.ppt

Feeding of infants

Method_recom_topic 1.pdf

Methodological recommendations for students Breast feeding of infants. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the breast milk. Methods of calculation for the daily volume of food and nutrition.


Test Variant 1


Test Variant 2

1. Case studies Breast feeding of infants. The quantitative and qualitative composition of the breast milk..pdf

Case studies

Method_recom_topic 2.pdf

Methodological recommendations for students Weaning food, daily nutrient and energy requirement at the breast feeding.


Test Variant 1


Test Variant 2

2. Case studies Weaning food, daily nutrient and energy requirement at the breast feeding..pdf

Case studies

Method_recom_topic 3.pdf

Methodological recommendations for students Artificial feeding of infants. Classification and characteristics of formula for artificial feeding of infants. The technique of artificial feeding.


Test Variant 1


Test Variant 2

3. Case studies Artificial feeding of infants. Classification and characteristics of formula for artificial feeding of infants..pdf

Case studies

Method_recom_topic 4.pdf

Methodological recommendations for students Special aspects of weaning at artificial feeding. Daily requirement of a child in protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories at artificial feeding.


Test Variant 1


Test Variant 2

4. Case studies Special aspects of weaning at artificial feeding. Daily requirement of a child in protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories at artificial feeding..pdf

Case studies

Method_recom_topic 5.pdf

Methodological recommendations for students Partial breast feeding. Technique and rules of supplementary feeding. Milk formulas that are used for supplementary feeding. Schemes of partial breast feeding of infants. Weaning food of the child and the daily need for proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories at partial breast feeding.


Test Variant 1


Test Variant 2

5.Case studies Partial breast feeding. Technique and rules of supplementary feeding.pdf

Case studies

Method_recom_topic 6.pdf

Methodological recommendations for students Feeding of children over one year old


Test Variant 1


Test Variant 2

6. Case studies Feeding of children over one year old.pdf

Case studies